Rhenda and Jim

Why Does It Matter To Us?

Our Mission – Our Why

Our Mission is birthed out of purpose, principles and conviction. We provide nourishment for our God-given body in a way that shows respect to Him and us and help others to have hope in a healthy future by the fuel they provide their body. This is our why.

For too many years we had worked long hard hours and though most of it was fulfilling, what mattered most to us was at the mercy of what mattered least.
We changed drastically.
This change allows us to live the lifestyle we have wanted to live since we were first married. This lifestyle becomes our new business because we plan to sell food, books, and information. Sell what we have and teach what we know.
But doing a business or a job just for money is not a good enough why.
Through this article, we hope that you are pricked by something you read or feel as you see this information. It is important to know your why. By sharing what we have learned and what we live with you, then you too can hopefully live a life free of disease. That is one of our whys.
Being part of the land and watching animals and plants grow is a miracle every day. To participate in that miracle is always something to be excited about.
We want to wake up every morning next to each other and work together on our homestead. We believe nutrient-dense food has and will continue to Jim and Rhenda of Heartiness Approachheal our bodies. We have obtained our homestead to grow that nutrient-dense food. Our goal is to provide our own food with some extra food to share through farmer’s markets, to those in need and to our friends who stop by.
We used to have a goal to provide an online course to help others our age or any age live a better lifestyle so they too can be healthy. Now we have our course, 12 Weeks to Heartiness, online and it is working. We have students. We set a goal and are achieving it.

Our Dream –

We love having people over. We love sharing parts of our homestead with people. We love sharing our Red Barn with Jim and Rhenda in our Homestead Dreamtable, our space, our life. We used to dream of having a lodge-type place to provide a warm setting where people can come and retreat as they relax, learn how to eat, exercise and grow their own food. Now, we have land and plan to build a couple small cabins for guests to come and learn, experience and absorb the atmosphere. Heartiness Acres is a place to learn from us as we learn from them. We would serve meals while they are there, but part of the learning is doing, therefore they will help prepare the real food they eat.
With our plan we will raise our food, both plant and animal needed to provide the amount of food necessary. What we cannot grow we will purchase from a trusted source. We are on the way.

Setting our Goals –

In order to accomplish great things, we must set measurable, achievable goals.
Running a homestead requires work, a plan, work, equipment, work, ingenuity, work, and a way to finance all the projects.

Goal: Have enough egg customers to provide the money for the chicken feed.
Purchase 25 Delaware Chickens by September 1st.
Prepare their chicken tractors by September 8th.

Chickens helping with the rhythm of the homesteadGoal: Raise 50 Red Ranger Meat Chickens each year. (Give 20 to the person who bush hogged our pasture.)
Place these chickens in Little Barn in Ohio brooder.
Build their chicken tractors by September 8th.

Goal: Raise turkeys providing our meat and enough to sell a few turkeys during the holiday season.
This year, just raise two turkeys for us.
Obtain a turkey from Clay Crawford.

Have you set your goals, You mission, Your Dream.

These are examples of setting a goal and setting specific dates so they get accomplished.
Keep you “WHY” posted in front of you.

2 thoughts on “Why Does It Matter To Us?”

  1. Thank you for all that you share with us. I just read you newsletter talking about ALL the individuals and families who are visiting you ~ just a thought but have you considered doing an AirBNB in your home for now, then eventually making a separate building, camp trailer, yurt, or treehouse for guests and get paid to host them???

    1. We do have plans for 3 cabins. This is eventual. Had not considered a camp trailer as a possible guest cabin. That would be quick and easy. Even providing spaces to park them would be an easy option to get in place easily. Thank you for the idea!

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