This was a time I wish I had the camera, but I did not. We opened the chicken doors so the animals could get out if they wanted to. Two of them went out for a while. When it came time to close them in we could not find Jumper. We named her Jumper because she flies to the top of the Chicken run and jumps out the end that is not covered at the top. She gets on the Pig fence to come back in as she jumps from there back into the run. But we could not find her and she is white and there was snow everywhere. Finally, we found her in the Pig run and Jim used a unique way to get her in. He started throwing snowballs in back of her to get her to move forward. She ran through the pig yard and into the cow corral. Jim threw snowballs to get her to move each time. She was only 20 feet from the opening to the chicken run when the snowball dropped in front of her sending her back into the corral. I was laughing so hard. A few more snowballs sent her running for the gate and she was in. So funny. I did not get a picture of her but I did get one of one of the chickens trying to move through the yard without stepping in the cold white stuff.

I baked bread again today and this loaf turned out even better than the last. No more store bought bread for us. We also make Cloud Bread Pizza and it turned out surprising well. Look for that video on Monday.

We got to move the car today. We decided if we were going to get to church tomorrow we better get down the driveway today. We made it and when we got back from town we went up and down the driveway a couple times trying to melt the ice. We leave at 8:30 in the morning and it could be pretty icy at that time. Here is hoping. The city streets were cleared and dry. There were large piles of plowed snow everywhere.
Nutritional Information
I attended a zoom meeting today with a group of clinicians putting together a group for clients who need help and students who need practice helping. Each student will have one Certified Coach (I am one of those.) with them to help. I ended up becoming the assistant coordinator of the group. It should be good experience. There are some very simple basics in helping someone with depression, anxiety, or any type of addiction. Get them eating. Most people are not eating 3 meals a day. The brain cannot function when it is not fed.
Don’t eat simple sugar and starch.
Eat. Do not skip meals.
Eat 15 to 20 grams of protein (The size of your palm) ever 3-4 hours.
Trial which amino acids you are deficient in and you brain will repair very quickly.
I am so excited to help more people in their journey to better moods and less addictions.
I’m a little confused when you say don’t eat starch. In tomorrow’s post you say to snack on complex carbs. What do you consider a starch?
Thank you so much for all that you share! You and Jim are such an inspiration
So when I make comments like don’t eat sugar or starch of course our bodies need that also in small amounts. The starch I am referring to is white rice, white pasta,white bread, white sugar. One example of a good complex carbohydrate are starchy vegetables. Such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, and several of your squashes. Of course there are many other good vegetables. These complex carbohydrates are part of a regular diet and fill the complex carbohydrate portion on our plate. They are real food. But white rice, white pasta, white bread, and every day sugar are not part of a good healthy diet. It does not mean that we do not indulge in it once in awhile especially if we are at someone’s home for dinner or have a very special holiday. But overall these are not the items that should be part of a healthy diet for us, Jim and i. I never want to come across as the preachy, I am just sharing what I have learned and what I practice..