Week 15 of 2022 Blog
It seems life does not slow down and not sure we would want it any other way. We have worked on fencing the garden all week and finally finished yesterday. It was a learning process. We have taken part of it down twice and even through it is not completely perfect, we are happy with it now. It, of course does not keep the cats out but we will use other sources for that. Molly was in there and saw the low tunnel thinking it was a blanket for her. Down she plopped right on my onions after I replanted all of them from the damage the cats did. I think they are resilient and survived though. The hardest part for us on the fence was to get the gate way straight because as we stretched the fence it pulled the poles. We now know we have to do H-corners on gates in order to make it all work. Jim makes beautiful gates. I love his work. Now we can open them from either side and walk in and out so easily.
We actually lost two more chickens, one being our rooster while we had the dog away for 30 minutes too long and had let dark fall without us closing the coop up right away. Now Molly sleeps in the chicken run so we will not lose anymore but we were so mad at ourselves because it is up to us to keep them safe and we let them down.
The beans are coming up in the driveway garden. The lawn is mowed once a week now because of the amount of water we have had and the heat and water make magic grass. The paddocks are going well for the three cows. Oh, yes. Missy is not pregnant. She went into heat on the April 24th. She was in heat last on March 15th so that was 5 ½ weeks. We will go to the vet and purchase some straws for AI to see if we can get her pregnant again. At least she will not be delivering on the coldest day of the month in January now. They are on grass in the paddocks and the grass is beautiful and well managed. We are lightyears ahead of last year and will be better next year.
We bought more baby chicks on April 16th, 1 Lavender Orrington, 1 buff Orrington, 2 well summers and 2 turkeys. We have now moved them in with the other six chicks we had bought and they are all doing very well together in the brooder in Little Barn. We have not decided what we are going with them yet. We want to raise them with Molly our dog so they are not afraid of her and she cares for them. She does really well with the meat birds. We let the meat birds free range all day and they move everywhere and sometimes fly. Molly is great with them. We do not even put a fence around them. We make sure they are in their chicken tractor if we are going somewhere.

Most of the trees have the hue of green now showing that their leaves are trying to come and make the shade for the summer. We had our carrots covered all winter. We uncovered them this week. Now we can thin them. They are abundant.

That is our latest news from our Trail’s End Farm.