Our Single Dad, 3 Cats, March 5, 2022

Day 65 of 365 Blogs

No yard work today. Jim will be leaving Monday for a week to help someone. I will be doing chores alone but without Missy here and the pigs gone it is all easy work. I am hoping to get some house painting done while he is gone. We will see. You know what they say about plans. We are now feeding milk to the chickens since the pigs are gone.

Of the four baby chicks that were raised by a beautiful rooster when we thought she was a hen, one of them are also a rooster. He appears to be a Rhode Island red. He is starting to feel his oats and his sisters are none too happy about it. Unfortunately, he will not be able to stay. The three sisters fly to the rafters in little barn and sleep there at night. Faithful, the single father, still takes very good care of them all. Now we need to be able to introduce some more into the flock so they have a bigger group of ladies for Faithful. We have two very nice roosters and we ant them to stay that way, so we are having two distinct flocks.

Faithful and hens with one red rooster.
Faithful as a single dad with his flock

Nutritional Education

3 Cats

White cat

3 Cats

Picture three cats as I teach about the neurotransmitter – Catecholamine.
There are three Catecholamines,
When your cats are working well in your body, you are alert, motivated, focused, persistent find enjoyment and are energetic.
When your cats are low you may have apathetic depression, have a lack of energy, experience boredom, have a lack of focus, easily distracted, and have cravings for stimulation from sugar, caffeine or other substances or thrills.
It is the amino acids L-Tyrosine and or L-Phenylalanine that will fill the brain with the needed cats.

On March 23rd at 7 PM central time I will be presenting a Free Live Webinar. How to feed the brain and give it the optimal food with nutrition and amino acids to improve depression, anxiety, cravings for sugar, caffeine, soda, alcohol or drugs and impulsive behaviors These three catecholamines are one part of understanding how to feed your brain and give you back a happier joy filled life. Come learn a little more of how to improve your emotions and mood and cravings. Register at https://mailchi.mp/0da226d6db57/feed-your-brain.