Kids in Hank

March 16, 2018 Newsletter



Heartiness Approach

March 9, 2018

Happy St Patrick’s Day – Load Up your Leprechauns

With us purchasing a new homestead soon, we had a conversation with one of our children who is excited to have their future foster children and their future children spend the summertime on Grandpa and Grandmas homestead. There is nothing that will make us happier. If we build it, they will come. Provide the atmosphere and the animals. Teach them to work and play. Bring cousins together. Yep, We are excited to bring our Leprechauns to our homestead to pull in the wheelbarrows, collect the eggs, run in the fields and Find Joy.

Last Weeks Blog
This Weeks Blog

Irish Potato Leek Soup

I recently read a book about the great Potato famine. I won’t get into the politics of it, but this truly was a tragedy and a million people died. One of the problems is they were only allowed to grow one crop…Potatoes. This is one reason why variety of food is so important in our lives.This recipe was introduced to me by my favorite author, Kristin Kimball from The Dirty Life. Up until that time I had only made potato soup but did not add all the fix-its that make it amazing.

Potato Leek Soup is the comfort food of comfort foods. I do make a change in her recipe as she uses an immersion blender in the end to puree it all up. We like to chew our soup and taste the flavors as we bite into them so we choose not to puree. Should you desire to I add directions in the end.

The rule is use one small potato and one leek for each person eating.
For this recipe we will make it for four servings.

4 small potatoes(Golden Yukons work well. (peeled and diced)
4 leeks (sliced and cleaned)
1 cube of butter
4 cups of Chicken stock
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups of cream
1 cup Shredded White Cheddar Cheese (optional)

  • Place butter in stockpot and add leeks to saute until soft and fragrant.
  • Add the potatoes and the stock and cook until the potatoes are soft. This takes about 20 minutes.
  • Season with Plenty of Salt and Pepper. (Pepper is a signature of Potato soup)
  • Now if you are going to puree, this is when you will do it.
  • Add the cream after pureed.
  • Also add the cream if you are not going to puree.
  • This is where my recipe differs. I add in 1 cup of shredded cheese and let simmer very low.
  • Add extra butter if desired.
  • I often put this in a slow cooker and leave it on low. It can be taken to a pot luck or shared with the coworkers for lunch. Trust me, they will love it.

Add chopped kale or spinach when you add first add the potatoes.

Exercise Decreases Dementia

It really does! In a study conducted in Sweden of women over 50 and covering a period of 44 years, researchers discovered that women who exercised regularly were 90% less likely to develop dementia.

Regeneration is a reality. The earlier you start the better but even late bloomers can expect improvement.

The study was of women but I am confident the results apply fairly well to men. So, gentlemen, drop the excuses and start exercising.

Start with what you can do and work up to a level that will make changes for your health.  Consistency,  frequency, intensity all need increased to push your limits. Don’t hurt yourself but work until your limits increase.

While working toward improving your fitness give yourself a break between hard workout days. Maybe you need a two day break or maybe just one day. Allow you muscles to mend and be ready for the next hard session

Exercise is invigorating. It is great for your mental health, your physical health and your emotional health. Go for it. Have fun.

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