

What is normal?
When a person eats or drinks, the food is broken down into a simple sugar called “glucose”. Glucose moves through the bloodstream to provide energy to the cells in your body. Insulin is produced from the pancreas to move the glucose into the cells.

What should not be normal?

People with type 1 diabetes have a pancreas that can not produce the insulin.
People with type 2 diabetes produce insulin; but the insulin produced is either not enough or the cells of the body will no longer accept it which means the body has become insulin resistant.

Although the cause of type 2 diabetes can be genetic or lifestyle, both can be changed by changing the lifestyle. Ingesting too many CARBOHYDRATES require the pancreas to release more and more INSULIN until the beta cells in the pancreas wear out and can no longer produce insulin. Now the body has high blood sugar and too little or no insulin to help move the sugar (energy) into the cells of the body. When this happens you have diabetes.
When the energy cannot get into the cells, the glucose stays in the bloodstream causing high blood sugar. This is very damaging to the body when the glucose builds up.

From the Alzheimer’s Association brochure:
At first the body makes more insulin to get the energy (sugar) it needs. Eventually, the body is making all the insulin it can. If cells grow more insulin resistant, blood sugar will rise higher, eventually the pancreas wears out and can no longer produce insulin and diabetes develops.”

Type 2 diabetes is reversible with correct diet and exercise.
Eat the correct amount of protein and eat the correct type and amount of carbohydrates with added vegetables to slow down the sugar metabolism in your body.
Exercise is imperative for the reversal of diabetes. Exercise builds more muscle cells.
Exercise improves insulin sensitivity, meaning, the newly built muscle gives a place for sugar to go from the bloodstream. This lowers the insulin levels. More muscle lower blood sugar.