Icy, snowy day but not as bad as two weeks ago. Chickens did want to venture out today. Cows and even the pigs did not want to leave their shelter. Perhaps they had read about Winnie the Poo and piglet and the Blustery Day where they blew away up into the air. We are very careful and fully aware that ice equals falling so we are planting our feet on the ground intentionally with each step. With the snow and rain, I can already see some of the grass turning green. I can imagine the daffodils poking their heads up soon. This day, I am reminded to live like a turtle and be happy moving slowly with small increments of progress.

Nutritional Education
Although we strive to reduce our cravings for sweets, we do enjoy having a cookie once in a while. Today was such a day. I just Goggled a peanut butter oatmeal cookie recipe and then changed half the flour to freshly ground whole wheat, added chia seeds and reduced the sugar from 2 cups to ½ cup. I also added unsweetened, organic coconut. These are changes you can make in any recipe. Change the flour, reduce the sugar and use coconut sugar or raw sugar and add healthy supplemental ingredients.

You will find that there are at least two things that require training with your taste buds. One is reducing sugar. Our cookies are probably biscuits to others but to us then are delicious. The other thing is chocolate. I never liked dark chocolate 13 years ago. Then I switched to Dark Dove Chocolate. We would have one after our meals to be our dessert. We did this for years. Then we started changing to a darker chocolate. 70% is our favorite but we do get *0% also. We find 90 just a little too much for us. Now we cannot tolerate milk chocolate because of its sweetness.
Therefore, train your tastebuds to low sugar or no sugar
From milk chocolate to dark chocolate.