Hey it is good to be back home again, out of the workplace environment and onto the farm.
Today Jim and I milked the cow,
fed the chickens and pigs,
dismantled a poorly made compost pile we started almost 4 years ago. We moved it to an area we can turn and manage. The sticks and roots were still there. Like I said, it was mismanaged.
We chose where two dwarf apple trees will go this spring.
We added wood chips to the chicken house and hay to the baby chicks and Faith’s area.
We hauled away old pallets that have been disintegrating near the compost and stacked them in the material shed.
We picked up the cow paddies in the corral and loafing shed and spread them on next years garden.
We planned out a three-sided building to build in the corral the calf is in so he has shelter in the rain
. Then we came in and started our fireplace for the first time. Wow it puts out some nice heat. All the bedroom doors are open and the space heaters are turned off.. The entire house is warm. Yay!!

Our neighbor came over and as soon as he heard I was not working now he asked if I would spend some time with his wife who has dementia and recovering from a hip fracture. He wants to pay me and we set it up. See the Lord provides. There is a little of what we need to replace my pay. They are such a nice couple. It is strange that I was already wondering if he would want me to help him and he just asked.
We love Missouri. We are so happy here. Right now as we drive around the country-side it is drab with no leaves but in my mind’s eye, I can see the green of summer and flowers and the beauty that it presents. Thank goodness for seasons that make us appreciate changes. We have barely had a winter but tomorrow will be snow and I am excited about that. We were supposing to go over to some friends home and participate in the baby blessing but now they all have COVID so it will have to wait. We love the friends that we have and people who help us and those we get to help. We love making new friends.
I just looked at todays date and realized that 49 years ago today, Jim proposed to me. I said, “Yes”.
Nutritional Information
The joy of having a place to grow food it that we get to plan it out. That is what January is for. How much of what do we want and where will we grow it and when do we need to start it. We have a shelving unit sharing space in our dining room. We have the elderberries on them right now but we are getting ready to add seedling starts on January 26th. We will plant American Flag Leeks, All onions and Artichokes. These will have 12 weeks to get going before I plant them in the ground.
I love leeks. Let’s talk about their nutritional value.
It is an excellent source for Vitamin K
Very good source for Manganese, Vitamin B6, Cooper, iron and folate
A Good source for Vitamin C, A and E, Dietary Fiber, Magnesium, Calcium, Omega 3 fatty acids and Carotenoids which are beta carotene and lutein.
They promote heart health helping to protect blood vessel linings from damage. I learned about leeks from one of my favorite books called, The Dirty Life by Kristin Kimball. (Dirty as in farm life). She put a recipe for Potato Leek soup at the end of her book and I make it and loved it. It is easy and delicious. She uses an emulsifier to make it all smooth and I don’t care for mine that way. But I discovered leeks and I love to use them in so many foods. You might say I have an onion and leek fetish.
Ideas to use leeks (Taken from The World’s Healthiest Foods by George Mateljan.)
Sauteed mushroom and leeks together and toss with a Mediterranean dressing and to with feta or goat cheese and chopped rosemary and parsley.
Add leeks to any soup, stew or sauce. Use white and green parts. Clean well. I cut it into little rings then separate the segments of each ring and wash well.
Potato Leek soup

Have enough leeks and potatoes equal in amounts. In a Dutch oven melt at least 1/2 cube of butter and add leeks, Saute them until tender. While leeks are cooking cut potatoes into cubes or thin slices. Add the potatoes and chicken stock to the pot. Add enough chicken stock for 1 cup per serving. Season with salt and pepper. Once cooked through add 1 cube of butter and 2 cups of cream if you have about 4-8 cups of broth. I grate cheese and place on the table for adding to each serving as desired. YUM. I actually made this for a Christmas dinner party this year and it was a huge hit.
I’m glad you said Yes.
Yummy recipe.