Rhenda making a Snow Angel

Making the Most of Winter


Heartiness Approach

February 9, 2018

hot Chocolate and Popcorn

Making the Most of Winter – HOPE

The snow continues to be our companion. We get only glimpses of the green grass before another flurry of snow invites itself to our yard. Dark chocolate cocoa with a glimmer of coconut sugar served with a bowl of hot popcorn cooked in coconut oil. This is what winter afternoons are all about. 

In our YouTube community this week we saw temperatures down to -40 with wind chills in New Hampshire and 65 in Oregon. We remember Oregon. In February where the flowers start coming up and don’t stop for many months.

This last week I heard two people say they thought the hard part of winter was over and it is almost spring. One was in Virginia and one was in Idaho. So take courage, even if Phil, the groundhog did see his shadow.  We could say, okay enough about the weather, however as a homesteader or gardener, or someone with animals, we notice the weather. It is imperative to understand the weather so we can plan, prepare and keep our homestead safe, whether urban or rural. 
Indoor gardens growing gives us hope for greener, warmer times. Hope is a powerful motivator. 

Last Weeks Blog
This Weeks Blog

Vegetable Variety – Bring on the Colors

One of the worst things we can do for our health is eating the same thing every day. With that choice, we get the same vitamins every day. By eating a large variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, fish, and correct cooking oils, our bodies receive a large variety of vitamins and minerals. Our taste buds thank us. Our eyes thank us. 
We need to grow our own in the nutrient rich soil, but if like us,  in the middle of winter you cannot grow them, Purchase clean, organic food. Do not be fooled by large producers. Ask questions about your food. Know where it is coming from. It is your medicine that you are putting in your body. Your body will thank you by getting well.
Variety is the Spice of Life

Einkorn Bread Recipe

We made our first Einkorn Bread a couple weeks ago. it was so easy. We are ready to try other recipes now. Where does bread fit into our eating plan? It is a carbohydrate, so it counts as a carb. It is made with a better grain and has a better impact on blood sugar. Still, we eat a half or less for a serving. We sliced the bread and put the slices in the freezer, pulling it out as we needed it. This way it does not spoil and we do not eat it too fast. We toasted it, made french toast out of it, made open-faced grilled cheese and used it under sausage gravy. Always eat this with a protein, a fat and a vegetable. 

Making our first Einkorn Bread

Emotional Wellness in Winter

Last winter I was very ill. It ended up be Influenza A and I was down and out for 2 weeks. We had just started making our 180 Degree Lifestyle Change in 180 Days when this illness struck. When we’re making those first several videos I always did a Nutrition Ditty and the beginning and Jim made an Exercise Ditty. After that, you will see how I pulled myself out of the winter blah depression and worked to find joy in a difficult time. This is the time of year we start saying, just make it sunny, but it does not happen on our time schedule. So, knit some slippers, try new recipes, take a drive

There Will Always Be Daisies

Find 15 minutes in your day to quietly relax or meditate. Clear your mind and ease the tension in your body.

Settle in with a good book or magazine for half an hour. Take your mind off family, work, or worry.

Write a friendly note, love letter, or chatty e-mail to someone you care about. Connecting with others improves your mood and lightens your worries.

Find Joy in the season you are in now.

Each morning when you are dressed, hair combed, your make up is on , or you have shaved, look in the mirror and add a smile.

Regenerate, Don’t Degenerate – Myths about Exercising

This is for those of you who know you should exercise more but find that you are not doing so. Perhaps you are falling prey to some of the exercise myths. Review this list to see if any sound like the voice in your head.

Myth: There is no point to exercising. I am going to get old anyway.
Fact:  Research demonstrates that exercise benefits older individuals more than it does the young.

Myth: Exercise puts me at risk of falling down.
Fact:  The opposite is true, exercise will strengthen you and help prevent falls.

Myth: I’ll never be good at it.
Fact:  You are not training to be an Olympic athlete but you can start doing exercise within your capabilities and build from there.

Myth: I am too old to start.
Fact: Seriously? Where else does this show in your life? You need to exercise more now than ever before and it is never too late to start.

Myth: I am disabled.
Fact: Do what you are capable of doing. Don’t lose what you have.

Myth: I am too weak and have too many aches and pains.
Fact:  More muscle mass is associated with longevity and improving muscle balance will reduce aches and pains.

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